Pallet Risers and Steel Pallets

Durable pallet products that are designed to work together with devices like roll handlers, drum handlers and other specific ergonomic devices.

When it comes to roll and drum handling, there are specific issues that can arise that can get overlooked. These pieces of equipment come with legs that stick out on either side for counterbalance. That can make it difficult to access materials that are on a pallet. Casters on the legs make it difficult to get inside the pallet. Add the weight of a roll or drum to the equipment and that adds to the difficulty of getting out. Not to mention the safety hazard it presents for the operator.

This is just one of a few problems that can be solved with a pallet riser.

Injury incident: Accident Report Detail
At 11:45 a.m. on October 10, 2017, an employee was reaching for a box to stop it from falling from a broken raised pallet and caught his left middle and ring fingertips in the broken section. The employee pulled his fingers away and amputated the tips of both fingers. The employee was hospitalized.


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A Guide to workplace muskuloskeletal disorders

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