Gargoyle Ladder System

Product line

Gargoyle Rooftop Guardrail Systems


Gargoyle Ladder Systems


Rooftop Ladder, Parapet Ladder

Installing a Gargoyle Ladder System provides an immediate resolution to rooftop safety concerns. It provides safe and reliable access over a parapet wall, allowing staff to work safely with adequate fall protection in place.

These fall prevention/ladder systems come in different heights and are designed to have engineered ladders on the face or back of parapet walls and a platform or egress path over the parapet area in order keep personnel safe and to help protect your roof membrane or coping material from damage.

hatch guardrail fall protection kit [gargoyle]

Gargoyle Hatch Guardrail

The Gargoyle Hatch Guardrail Kit is an easy, safe, engineered solution to keep your workers safe from falling through open hatches on your roof. Shipped on one pallet with everything you need, Gargoyle Hatch Kits keep you at the forefront of safety.

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